Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's in a domain name?

What's in a domain name???

I was working with a new marketer who needed some domain name help for his new project.
I think having your keyword in the domain is still effective - (no point arguing this is just my opinion) - I also think it is hard to optimize one site across too broad of a keyword cloud.
Domain names are cheap and all the good domains are not all gone.  You just need to be creative to find something you want to invest your time into.  Why not make a theme for your brand and clone that theme on multiple sites, have a main domain like and use that for your email address and to control the whole thing    that could be your professional blog that promotes all the other sites...
Then start collecting domain names that include your "solutions" keyword and that word can become your brand
Find your top traffic keywords in each category and try to find a domain name that is as close as possible to the best keyword.
This will also help you build out the bigger picture one piece at a time. 
Also once you have traffic and the sites fully built out you have the option to sell them off one at a time or whatever, because they are all independent.

Once you are up and running - send all your new sites and pages through our Link Indexing system.

Caution - don't become a domain hoarder - godaddy thrives on peoples addiction to owning unused domain names - if your not going to use it - don't register it.  If your not using it - let it go.  There is no point in paying renewal fees on names you are not using.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What is link indexing?

Link indexing is a process that presents newly create pages/URLs (containing links) to Google in a way that gets around all Google's link profiling defenses.

Pre Panda/Penguin getting new pages/URLS/links picked up was pretty straight forward.  Run them on RSS or Twitter or some kind of bookmarking or Pinger and most of them got picked up pretty quickly as the Bot found them.

Post Panda/Penguin a lot more effort is required.  Google is wise to all the standard methods and they have compiled a profile for SPAM links, furthermore Twitter and many of the bigger RSS services have built up their defenses to keep automated systems from running mass volumes through their servers.

The Best link indexing services use top level blogs, publishing trending content laced with links to new pages/URLs/links. The Bots follow these new pathway to the new pages and pick up the new content without triggering their profile filters.

Easier said than done - this requires a lot of blogs and a lot of content.   Read More Here...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My new links are not getting Indexed???

I had an exchange with an SEO yesterday about how he is creating more links than ever and his sites are ranking lower than ever.  He is tracking his indexed back-links and is amazed at how low the numbers are. More new links created, fewer indexed links, and lower SERPs, what's problem?

Google has made the decision to selectively index new webpages.  The Bots are still visiting all the new pages (with our new links) - but now the Bot are not taking the URL back to be indexed.  Two main factors come together to force this issue. The number of new pages being created has gone up exponentially and the link war has been escalated.

There far more new content being created everyday and most of it is complete garbage.  Our new URLs are part of this propagation of garbage and Google doesn't want it anymore. The Bots are smarter and are making a real time decision to index or not to index as they are reading every new page.  They consider the source and the content and filter out most of the trash right after it is being created.  

Link Wars
Links have always been the cornerstone of good SEO and with automation we can create them faster and faster everyday.  Search results can be greatly effected by the number and quality of new backlinks and Google has built up their defense to keep automated links from being indexed. 

Google has a pretty firm grip on the internet.  They control over half the search traffic and there are huge financial stakes up for grabs.  Google would like to kill SEO and get everyone on the PPC side of the fence.  They make changes to their search algorithm and SEOs respond with new and creative tactics to get around whatever new roadblocks Google puts in the way. The newest roadblock Google has created to stop automated link creation is to simply filter them out at the start.  We create new links - Google refuses to index them, making it more difficult for automation to be successful.

The workaround to this new roadblock is using an indexing service to get our newly created links past the Google filters and into their servers.  GoogleBots are only so smart.  They are programed to overlook new pages found on sites that meet their profile and to index all new pages on trusted sites.  So all we need to do is to create better pages and present them on trusted sites that Bots visit regularly. is the most effective link indexing service ever built and it's the cheapest solution on earth.  Accepting Beta user now.  contact us at
